Friendly reminder to Royal College fellows: Use the CGS CME Journal and/or the Canadian Journal of Geriatrics to collect MOC credits and further your professional development!

For each journal article that you read and have deemed has had a significant impact on your learning or practice can be recorded individually and receive 1 credit per article under Section 2. Want to make your learning go further? Do extra reading around a topic in the journal to answer a clinical or academic question and claim two Section 2 credits per hour you spend on a Personal Learning Project (PLP).


Are you a member of the College of Family Physicians of Canada? Did you know that you can earn FIVE (free) Certified Mainpro+™ credits by reflecting on the journal articles and applying it to your practice or teaching activities?

Linking Learning to Practice (or Teaching, Administration, Research, or Assessment) is a self-administered, semi-structured reflection exercise, which provides you the opportunity to earn 5 Certified Mainpro+™ credits (fee-free)!

After reading an article, you complete a form online to reflect on issues or questions that arise in your practice related to the article and then take time to implement some sort of informed change in your practice. You may complete as many Linking Learning exercises as you like in a 5-year cycle. 

Check out for more details.